Create PDF Viewer/Reader

DearFlip 2.1 plus supports vertical reader. All PDFs cannot be displayed properly with PDF Flipbooks. So a PDF Viewer serves such cases.

Example Demo:

Best Cases

  1. Uneven Pages in your Document
  2. Text Based documents that needs sharp rendering
  3. Scroll based viewing preference.
  4. Trying to keep things simple

How to create:

  1. Create a new Post in DearFlip. Goto DFlip Books-> Add New Book
  2. Give title to your new Post
  3. Select the PDF you want to add by clicking Select PDF.
  4. Select the Thumbnail to your 3D Flipbook post.
  5. Goto General/Layout Tab
  6. Set Viewer Type to Vertical Reader
  7. Click on Publish.
  8. Shortcode will now appear on Shortcode Box(top right corner of page)
  9. Copy the shortcode and paste it on the Post/page you want to embed the PDF Viewer.

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