Book Shelf is a pro feature available since version 2.1
Book Shelf is not applicable to single flipbook shortcode, only to multiple books shortcode
Shortcodes with id attribute : [dflip id="123"][/dflip] will not create shelves. It represents single book
Shortcodes with books attribute: [dflip books="123,234"][/dflip] or [dflip books="my_category"][/dflip]and will create shelves, they represent multiple books.
Flipbooks displayed using categories or books shortcode can be provided with book shelf. You can use a image of your liking. We recommend using wood texture.
Stone/Brick Texture:
Concrete Texture:
Wood Texture:
How To add Shelf Image:
Using Global Settings:
You can add a common book shelf to all multiple books(categories) shortcode. Goto dFlip Books-> Global Settings -> Popup/Lightbox -> Books Shelf Settings

Tip: To disable shelf in certain places when shelf is enabled globally, add shelf-image="none"
in the shortcode. Example: [dflip books="manuals" shelf-image="none"][/dflip]
Using Shortcode:
If you have not set a global shelf or want to change the shelf for certain category, you can use shelf-image
attribute to add shelf. It takes following values:
Possible Values | Description |
Image ID[dflip books="manuals" shelf-image="4042"][/dflip] | Image id of WordPress Media |
Image URL[dflip books="manuals" shelf-image=""][/dflip] | Image URL of the image file |
None[dflip books="manuals" shelf-image="none"][/dflip] | No shelf image to be used. |

The shelf-image id is the id of image you upload to your WordPress admin.

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