For lite version changelog please refer to Lite version plugin page. Changes are similar without Pro features.
2.2 #
2.2 improves the codebase and stabilizes the plugin.
– 2.2.32: #
- Fix: domain URL correction logic, doesn’t affect subdomains
- Fix: PDF.js fallback to stable version to support old browsers
- Improvement: Device, browser and capability detections
– 2.2.29: #
- Fix: PDF.js API mismatch due to cache
– 2.2.28: #
- Fix: Share link fixes for old prefixes
- Fix: Security fix related to Outline
- Fix: Mobile zoom improved and stabilized
- Improvement: PDF.js is upgraded to 3.7
2.1 #
2.1 focuses on Bookshelf and 3D Spiral Book mode. Also on 3D Hybrid Book mode.
– 2.1.183 #
- Fix: PHP 8.2 compatibility
- Fix: jQuery conflicts solved
- Fix: 3D cover overlapping issue
- Add: 3D Spiral Book Mode
- Add: 3D Hybrid Book Mode
- Add: Slider Viewer Mode
- Add: BookShelf and responsive layout
- Add: Search and Print Option
- Add: LazyLoading of flipbooks and thumbs
- Add: AutoLink Detection and setting
- Add: Play Icon or Thumbs
- Add: Page Label Support
- Add: Auto Thumb Generation
- Add: SideMenu Overlay Option, Lightbox transparency option, Post limit option
- Add: Color Picker for options
- Add: Tilt Angle for 3D flipbook added
- Add: Edit link for flipbook in Admin mode
- Improvement: Settings Categorized
- Improvement: Selective loading of scripts
- Improvement: Thumbnails are more realistic
- Improvement: Lightbox close button improved and is much clear
- Improvement: Share Controls removal option
- Improvement: Flipbook pagemode changes as per mobile orientation
- Improvement: Zoom Logic Improved
- Improvement: Improved shadows and Book 3D cover
- Improvement: 3D browser support check
- Improvement: OrbitControls removed, code optimized
- Improvement: PDF.js Latest edition version upgraded to 3.7, default edition is upgraded to 3.2
2.0 #
2.0 brings new format for flipbook and pdf viewer like PDF Scroll Reader mode. Provides new architecture to support 3D spiral book, 3D Hybrid book, Calendar view mode that can be released in future.
– 2.0.75 #
- Fixed: Require.js issues fixed
- Fixed: Ajax loaded flipbooks were not working
- Fixed: Play icon design fixed
– 2.0.72 #
- Added: Detection of 3D support in browser
- Added: Download handles https and http mismatch.
- Fixed: PDF Loading info fluctuation when pdf was zipped – fixed
- Fixed: Buttons not working in Ajax loaded content
- Improved: Freemius Core updated to 2.5.10
- Improved: Options sanitization
- Improved: Deep-links now work on same page – similar to page bookmarks
- Add: Default thumb placeholder added
- Add: onCreate Callback added
- Add: shortcode attributes support
- Fix: Auto thumb generation issue resolved
- Fix: IOS thumb size issue fixed
- Fix: Blank pages in Single Page mode resolved
- Improvement: 2D Flipbook improved and has better flips with variable pages
- Improvement: Page label size calculation
- Improvement: Bookmark navigation improves handling of zombie(old) requests
- Improvements: 3D Cover color doesn’t affect the texture anymore
- Improvement: PDF.js updated to version 2.12.313
= 1.7.35: =
* Improvement: WP 6.1 support
= 1.7.33: =
* Fix: Better Bg calculation
* Improvement: WP 6.0 support
= 1.7.30: =
* Fix: Table of content sorting issue
= 1.7.25: =
* Fix: Outline drag and drop fix
* Improvement: 2D flipbook pages were cut off.
= 1.7.18: =
* Improvement: Zoom on scroll now affects on lightbox and fullscreen. Normal embedded mode is skipped.
= 1.7.17: =
* Fix: iPad shadow removed
* Fix: thumbtype support in shortcode
= 1.7.13: =
* Fix: Security Fix related to shortcode
= 1.7.9: =
* Fix: Tabs supports. 3D Flipbook now work properly inside tabs and popups
* Improvement: Category Column added
= 1.7.6: =
- Fix: RTL Double Page mode links issue
- Fix: Book position misaligned during closing
- Improvement: Auto-Enable outline will be skipped if outline is missing.
= 1.7.5: =
- Improvement: PDF.js minor improvements
= 1.7.4: =
- Improvement: PDF.js version updated to 2.5.207
- Fix: Missing images in PDF renders
- Fix: Script has class added for custom detection – user requirement
= 1.7.3: =
- Tested upto WordPress 5.5
- Fix: Tooltip hovered on flipbook is fixed.
= 1.7.1: =
- Plugin dFlip – 3D Flipbook renamed to full name DearFlip – WordPress 3D Flipbook
- Improvement: WordPress flipbook post Links and descriptions updated to reflect leaving CodeCanyon
= 1.6.10: =
- Fix: Font issue with multiple PDF flipbook in a single page.
= 1.6.9: =
- Improvement: Code updates as per compliance to WordPress guidelines
= 1.6.8: =
- Improvement: Flipbook Pages are no longer limited to 30 Pages!!
= 1.6.7: =
- Improvement: WordPress flipbook post RTL correction in admin area.
- Improvement: External Translate Feature to support third party Plugin translate (Premium)
= 1.6.5: =
- Improvement: Individual Flipbook Page Mode is now also available as Global Setting(premium)
= 1.6.4: =
- Removed: Custom Fullscreen support for IOS, Lightbox are near alternatives.
= 1.6.3: =
- Add: Page Size option for setting double internal layout
- Fix: disableFontFace not required in PDF.js new version so disabled by default for PDF flipbook
- Fix: Better support for CloudFlare CDN RocketLoader, removed defer attribute as per customer case
= 1.6.2: =
- Fix: PageCount fix for booklet mode, Extra pages are not included
= 1.6.1: =
- Fix: UI controls name conflict with other custom name function
- Fix: FullScreen transparent fix on IOS
= 1.6.0: =
- Improvement: PDF.JS updated to new version
= 1.5.9: =
- Add: Translate option for loading, mail text and subject (Premium)
- Add: PDF attachment page auto creates flipbook from the PDF file
- Improvement: Lightbox closes with ESC key
= 1.5.8: =
- Add: Auto disable lite-version when pro-version is activated.
= 1.5.6: =
- Add: Link target options for PDF flipbook links
- Improvement: HTTP and HTTPS file not found conflict is auto-corrected depending on the page protocol
= 1.5.33: =
- Add: Google Analytics beta implementation
- Improvement: openpage moved to getOptions
- Fix: Limit =”-1′ is now as default, no more limited to 5 flipbooks
= 1.5.21: =
- Improvement: Code refactor for ZoomScale
- Improvement: Outline is hidden in PDF flipbook if outline is not available in PDF
= 1.5.19 =
- Fix: Fullscreen fix for auto-height
- Fix: Open Page fix for multiple flipbook with the same id
= 1.5.15 =
- Improvement: Save error details are displayed for debugging.
- Fix: Cron updates will also save the dFlip post
= 1.5.142 =
- Fix: Compatibility issues with php7 if the shortcode is empty by mistake and small notices fixes
= 1.5.141 =
- Fix: Lightbox size correction while in wp amin
= 1.5.14 =
- Fix: Auto Height for lightbox set to 100%
= 1.5.13 =
- Improvement: Auto Height
- Add: Controls Position setting
- Improvement: Requirejs and ES6 compatibility
= 1.4.3 =
- Improvement: https mode is auto-detected when migrating from http
- Fix: cMap location updated for newer PDF.js version
- Fix: Booklet mode in mobile reverse flips were not clearing old images
- Fix: PaddingLeft and PaddingRight fixes
= 1.4.2 =
- Add: OpenPage parameter
- Improvement: compatibility for php 5.2
- Improvement: Category Limit fix
- Improvement: Auto-detection of code location
- Improvement: Require.js compatibility
- Improvement: PDF.JS update
- Improvement: Thumb sync
= 1.3.3 =
- Add: Categories for WordPress
- Add: New Short-code to support multiple books
- Add: Range Size option added
- Improvement: Smooth animated zoom
- Improvement: Video Tutorials and easy shortcode in post screen
- Improvement: CMAPs added in options
- Improvement: canvas mode added in options
- Improvement:
options is added - Improvement: autoplay options is added
- Improvement: compatibility for php 5.3
- Fix: IE10 compatibility
- Fix: Line-height was overridden in some themes
- Fix: Thumb animation removed in safari
= 1.2.8 =
- First release on plugin directory
- Add: Pinch To Zoom
- Add: PDF annotation icons support
- Add: WebGL shadow option
- Add: Annotation class option
- Improvement: Clear text in mobile
- Improvement: Close button for thumbnail and outline
- Improvement: Added mail and google plus share
- Improvement: Support loading scripts when there are no script tags available
- Improvement: Organized
order - Improvement: PDF.js Update
- Improvement: THREE.js update
- Improvement: Double size images support
- Improvement: Webkit CSS support
- Fix: Center Align Issue in mobile
- Fix: Safari Fixes
- Fix: ESC button for full-screen resolved
- Fix: Page blur due to size miscalculation
- Fix: Missing Outline icon from font-awesome
- Fix: __extends() function is not isolated
- Fix: RTL booklet update
= 1.2.7 =
- New Feature: Booklet mode option added in single page
- New Feature: Auto enable thumbnails
- New Feature: Zoom ratio option
- New Feature: Force fit pages option
- Improvement: Smooth animated zoom
- Improvement: Smooth loading updates
= 1.2.6 =
- New Feature: Deep Linking
- New Feature: Share Option
- Improvement: Multiple size PDF Flipbook support
- Improvement: FullScreen support for IE and browsers in IOS
= 1.2.4 =
- New Feature: Custom Controls postioning
- Improvement: HTML Method for Flipbook creation
- Improvement: Loading Info
- Improvement: Compatibility with old and new jQuery
- Improvement: require.js and cloudfare compatibility
- Fix: Keyboard pagenumber issues in IE
= 1.2 =
- New Feature: Translate
- New Feature: Swipe gestures
- Improvement: Realistic turn effect in CSS Flipbook
- Improvement: Multi-stage zoom
- Improvement: New clean layout
- Improvement: Optimized 3D WebGL mode
- Fix: Compatibility issues for IE 10, IE11
= 1.1.3 =
- Improvement: PDF Flipbook annotation alignment for RTL mode
- Improvement: LightBox Examples added
- Fix: CSS load Fixes for IE
= 1.1.2 =
- New Feature: Light-box mode added
- Improvement: jQuery Flipbook – Examples
= 1.1 =
- New Feature: Better Responsive structure with Single Page Mode
- New Feature: RTL mode
- New Feature: Flip Sound
- New Feature: PDF Flipbook – download option
- Improvement: Smart Fallback to HTML5 Flipbook
- Improvement: Better Icons
= 1.0 =
Future Plans: #
2.3 (Beta-stage) (Late 2024) #
- Pseudo Zoom
- Migration ability from dearpdf
- Migrate Chrome extension to Manifest v3
- Video Generation for flipbook
- Media Library PDF posts support – pdf post to be used directly as flipbook posts.
2.4 (Mid 2025) #
- Gutenberg and Elementor Blocks
- Keyboard accessibility
- Pdf.js version 4 support